Friedmans Apostlar is the student choir at the Stockholm School of Economics. Since 1989 the choir has been spreading the joy of music on countless occasions. The choir performs at all types of events such as SASSE’s own festivities, at the diploma ceremonies in the Stockholm City Hall, for the Nobel laureates in economics during the visit at SSE, and of course at lots of organizations such as Spotify, Google or government departments.
Over the years the choir has also collaporated with many others. Among many we can name our latests collaboration with the choir The Whiffenpoofs from Yale University, USA and Mauri know for his YouTube channel Uppdrag Mat.
Of course Friedmans Apostlar is not only about creating music but very much about the social part. We travel together, have lots of parties, and over all have lots of fun whiles we are not rehearsing and performing. One unique perk of becoming a member of Friedmans Apostlar is that you get to be part of the group for many years. The average time in the choir is often times a least 3-5 years. Many members of Friedmans Apostlar, after they finish their studies at SSE, have a majority of their best memories from their time within Friedmans.