Congratulations & Welcome all new students!

Now that the second Swedish admissions has been announced, we are happy to congratulate all future SSE students to SASSE!

Get prepared for the intro weeks which are two weeks filled with exciting activities! Everything from parties & banquets to company events and sports days! You will certainly have some full days of fun infront of you💜

Before the first official day of the intro in the end of August, make sure to:

  • Follow @smattingintro_2024 or @ssemasterintro on Instagram and join the Facebook group for your specific intro (Småtting intro is for Bachelor students and Master intro is for Master students)!
  • Get to know more about SASSE on our website!
  • Rest & gain energy and clear your calendar for the two weeks ahead! – because the intro only happens once!


Also note that you will be able to pay for your membership once you have arrived in school. We will give you all information needed to become a SASSE member.


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