A letter from Head of Technology
21 Apr 2018
Dear SASSE members,
A new year of SASSE has begun and I have the great honor to take over Beate’s role in MedU as Head of Technology 18/19. This means that I’m the new person to contact whenever you have questions regarding the equipment at MedU.
Are YOU about to borrow equipment from the Media Committee? Here are the booking guidelines for it:
All the borrowing is made through our booking page www.boka.se/medu. In order to make a booking, contact me, Jennifer (medutechnology@sasse.se or 0730863892), and I’ll give you an approval to book. You may book the most commonly used equipment (including the MedU-room) from their own calendars and other equipment (e.g. flashes, objectives or camera chargers) from the calendar ”Other equipment – SPECIFY”. Please specify what you are about to borrow when booking something in this calendar.
When you have booked your equipment a confirmation mail will pop up in your mailbox including a four numbered code. Please look through the mail for the code which you will need in order to be able to unlock the equipment cabinet.
In order to unlock the cabinet, a small black key safe is located to the left hand side of the equipment cabinet in the MedU-room. Insert the correct code, open the key safe, and use the keys to open the cabinet. Please keep the cabinet locked when not picking up/returning equipment.
Please let us know if any equipment gets damaged or lost, or if you simply can’t find it at MedU. Failure to meet these requirements and restrictions will first be met with a warning. Hopefully we will never come to a point of repeated offenses, but if we do, a ban from using the equipment at MedU will follow.
If you are in need of a memory card for the cameras, it’s possible for you to borrow a card in exchange for a mortgage of 99kr, which is how much our SD cards of 16GB cost.
If you want to borrow a card, please start by writing me a message on either Facebook or by SMS. You’ll then swish 99kr to 0730863892 whereafter I’ll hand you a card. When you are done with the photographing, filming or whatever-ing, you will return the card to me and I’ll swish the money back to you. That’s how simple it is.
We will also introduce a new kind of strike system; if you don’t follow the rules that are set for the renting of equipment and break the rules 2 times, you lose your right to borrow equipment from MedU. The new system will hopefully lead to things being returned to the cabinet on time and always making sure that a booking on boka.se has been done before picking up any tools.
If you have any questions or awesome ideas on equipment that MedU should have, please let me know! Let’s make creativity within SASSE flourish together.
Yours truly,
Jennifer C. Ren Liu