Frequently Asked Questions
SASSE Membership (Mecenat & SSSB)
How do I become a SASSE member?
You become a SASSE member by logging in through the SSE Portal or a SASSE account given to you and paying the membership fee in
Can members pay for the sports fee separately from the membership fee?
Yes! You can go back to and pay for the sports fee on a later date.
When does the SASSE membership term end?
If you paid for the SASSE membership fee on August, it is valid until September next year. (e.g. August 2023 -> September 2024). It is very important that you renew for your membership when classes start and not before or you risk losing your membership prematurely.
How do I know if my membership payment went through?
At the bottom of the membership payment page will be written “You have already paid.”.
I don't have a Swedish Personal Number, what do I do?
When editing your profile, there are instructions to create a “mock” personal number that is recognised by Mecenat. Once you receive your personal number you must update BOTH on the SASSE website and on your Mecenat account.
What are the benefits of being a SASSE member?
With the SASSE Membership you will be able to attend all of our events (and sports practices if you paid for the sports fee) and receive benefits from Mecenat and SSSB (Student Housing Queue).
How do I get a Mecenat card?
You need to pay your membership fee and fill your account with: First name, Last name, Personal Number, Address. Then you must download the app and create a Mecenat account with the SAME information as your SASSE website account.
How long does it take to obtain a Mecenat card?
It should take between 1-3 working days for your information to be registered within the Mecenat system.
I haven't gotten my Mecenat card after the usual wait, what do I do?
Firstly check if all the information in your SASSE account and your Mecenat account are correct and the same. If they are and you still experience issues, please email and they will help you.
Why does the Mecenat card only show a validity up to the middle of February, even though it's valid for a year?
Mecenat updates their system in 6 months periods thus their card matches that time frequency. Since our SASSE membership is valid throughout the year, we automatically renew your Mecenat card until the end of your membership term.
How do I sign up for student housing queue (SSSB)?
You must go to their website ( and create an account with the SAME information as your SASSE account. Make sure it is the same information as you WILL lose your queue days if not.
Events/Sports Practices
How do I sign up for events?
You click in one of our events in the events calendar page ( and click on “Sign Up” button at the bottom of the event page.
How do I know if my event registration went through?
You will receive a prompt with “Thank you, your registration has been received.”
Are there any limits on the number of participants for events/sports practices?
Yes! The limit is usually informed in the event description. If it isn’t, then reach out to the event organizers to find out more.
I signed up to an event but can't attend. What do I do?
You have up to 24-hours before the event to cancel your sign-up. If you don’t cancel your sign-up you will get a strike in your account that will last a full year.
I got a strike for not attending an event. What does that mean?
A strike occurs if you haven’t attended an event and haven’t cancelled your registration 24 hours before. If you don’t show up or forget to cancel an event you have signed up for that isn’t a company event, 2 times, you get banned from all SASSE events for 1 month.
If you don’t show up or forget to cancel an event you have signed up for and the event is a company event, 2 times, you get banned from all SASSE events for 3 months.
Other Questions
Do you have microwaves to heat up food?
Yes! We have two closets full of microwaves in the Rotunda and a cabin underneath the tap water in the Pub. Both are down in the student kåridor in the basement.
I don't have cutlery. Do you sell some?
Yes! For 3kr you can buy some wooden cutlery at the SASSE Reception down in the kåridor to eat your food.
I want to buy some whitelines. Where can I get them?
You can get whitelines at the SASSE Reception for 45kr each. We have both squared and lined.